
Jennifer Denmon
Community Novice
Aug 5, 2020 6:18:22 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Is there a way to set up a reoccuring meeting in Teams through Canvas? So can I have a reoccuring meeting every other day or weekly, or do I have to set up the meeting each time I want one?
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Is there a way to allow someone access to view the course without being a student or a teacher, so that they don't appear as someone who would submit assignments, but could view the course?
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Most Recent Posts

Is there a way to set up a reoccuring meeting in Teams through Canvas? So can I have a reoccuring meeting every other day or weekly, or do I have to set up the meeting each time I want one?
Aug 05, 2020 07:22 AM
Is there a way to allow someone access to view the course without being a student or a teacher, so that they don't appear as someone who would submit assignments, but could view the course?
Aug 05, 2020 07:20 AM

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