
Community Member
Aug 8, 2020 8:09:56 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This wasn't an extra credit assignment.  It seems to have just happened randomly for a couple of assignments and it was after they were "closed".  Maybe it has something to do with our bei...
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I have had an assignment that was graded and due about a month ago.  In the last few days, several students' show that they have a submission but when I open it, there is none.  The assignment was...
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Our admin had us ask the students to resubmit their work as pdf files - this worked for most but not all.  We were then told to have our students go to their google drive and do something called "...
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We have been having this problem for the last two days.  In the past, it would be just an occasional event for a few students but since yesterday, I've received 18 student submissions with this &#...
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Most Recent Posts

This wasn't an extra credit assignment.  It seems to have just happened randomly for a couple of assignments and it was after they were "closed".  Maybe it has something to do with our bei...
Mar 11, 2023 09:51 AM
I have had an assignment that was graded and due about a month ago.  In the last few days, several students' show that they have a submission but when I open it, there is none.  The assignment was...
Mar 10, 2023 09:27 AM
Our admin had us ask the students to resubmit their work as pdf files - this worked for most but not all.  We were then told to have our students go to their google drive and do something called "...
Feb 08, 2021 10:41 AM
We have been having this problem for the last two days.  In the past, it would be just an occasional event for a few students but since yesterday, I've received 18 student submissions with this &#...
Jan 26, 2021 21:04 PM

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