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Aug 9, 2020 2:03:47 PM
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EDIT TO THE EDIT: So according to Kami support, the inability to open Kami assignments for grading is a Canvas iOS issue. While I think Canvas is aware of it, not sure if there is any action on their...
No issues grading other (non-Kami) assignments through Canvas app on the iPad, so I'm starting to really suspect it's a Kami issue, although iPads and Canvas Teacher were both updated recently...
Having the same issue with "locked" Kami assignments and students being unable to open them. I don't get it. Not sure if it's a separate Kami issue from the iPad situation.
See my edits at the top.Inability to open assignments for grading is a Canvas Teacher app issue.Teachers having to open an assignment before the students can is a Kami "fix" for an issue I don...
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See my edits at the top.Inability to open assignments for grading is a Canvas Teacher app issue.Teachers having to open an assignment before the students can is a Kami "fix" for an issue I don...
Having the same issue with "locked" Kami assignments and students being unable to open them. I don't get it. Not sure if it's a separate Kami issue from the iPad situation.
No issues grading other (non-Kami) assignments through Canvas app on the iPad, so I'm starting to really suspect it's a Kami issue, although iPads and Canvas Teacher were both updated recently...
EDIT TO THE EDIT: So according to Kami support, the inability to open Kami assignments for grading is a Canvas iOS issue. While I think Canvas is aware of it, not sure if there is any action on their...
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