
Community Explorer
Jul 30, 2020 8:32:32 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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May I add "Canvas Credentials" to the list of Badgr names?
Likes: 1
As far as I know, Canvas does not delete any file, just leaves it in your storage...
Likes: 0
Does anybody know if this is still valid in 2021? Should i add the ":email_logo: https://abc.com/logo.png" to the Site Admin record, or to the account record in accounts.settings?   Thanks!
Likes: 0
@pennedav many thanks for your help! You are right, my Ubuntu xenial didn't have the file command. I didn't realize that the message: No such file or directory - file was referring to the ...
Likes: 0
Hi All, I'm having an issue with a self hosted Canvas. When I try to import a course (exported from the same or from another server), doesn't matter the size or content it has, the process end...
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Most Recent Posts

May I add "Canvas Credentials" to the list of Badgr names?
Dec 27, 2022 08:41 AM
As far as I know, Canvas does not delete any file, just leaves it in your storage...
Aug 18, 2021 17:16 PM
Does anybody know if this is still valid in 2021? Should i add the ":email_logo: https://abc.com/logo.png" to the Site Admin record, or to the account record in accounts.settings?   Thanks!
Mar 02, 2021 08:46 AM
@pennedav many thanks for your help! You are right, my Ubuntu xenial didn't have the file command. I didn't realize that the message: No such file or directory - file was referring to the ...
Jan 12, 2021 12:40 PM
Hi All, I'm having an issue with a self hosted Canvas. When I try to import a course (exported from the same or from another server), doesn't matter the size or content it has, the process end...
Jan 12, 2021 10:59 AM

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