
Community Member
Jul 31, 2020 8:41:20 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Reply to @chriscas:I'm not sure that "contrarian" applies, here. This appears to be a suggestion of methodology for the developers, with which most participants in this thread would co...
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Well, at least they are not archiving us and forgetting about us. That's something, I guess.
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How on earth has Instructure STILL not done anything about this critical element for instructors? This is a time-killer for me as an adjunct. I have to create a completely new quiz if a student mistak...
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This is similar (and probably identical) to the issue with the Inbox "Compose Message" windows. The compose font size is about 25% smaller than the message view window, and unless you make all...
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Agreed. All of the use cases I've read in this post are accurate, real-world scenarios that I have experienced, as well as one that I haven't seen here, which is instructor error. If an instru...
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Reply to @chriscas:I'm not sure that "contrarian" applies, here. This appears to be a suggestion of methodology for the developers, with which most participants in this thread would co...
Jul 18, 2022 07:34 AM
Well, at least they are not archiving us and forgetting about us. That's something, I guess.
Jul 16, 2022 18:16 PM
How on earth has Instructure STILL not done anything about this critical element for instructors? This is a time-killer for me as an adjunct. I have to create a completely new quiz if a student mistak...
Jan 11, 2022 00:25 AM
This is similar (and probably identical) to the issue with the Inbox "Compose Message" windows. The compose font size is about 25% smaller than the message view window, and unless you make all...
Oct 13, 2020 15:55 PM
Agreed. All of the use cases I've read in this post are accurate, real-world scenarios that I have experienced, as well as one that I haven't seen here, which is instructor error. If an instru...
Sep 04, 2020 08:17 AM

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