
Community Member
Aug 1, 2020 3:17:41 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Can it be possible for students to see when their assignment is graded? Change the status from "your instructor is working on your assignment" to "unpublished" or something like that
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Have a resource tab instead of various tabs for tasks, files, discussions, etc. And be able to organize materials in folders
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How do I add grading periodes to a free for teacher couirse?
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Can it be possible to show who has created an assigment? It can, for example, be published by
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My idea is to change what the courses look like. Be able to put tasks, files, tests, etc. in folders. A bit like resources since itslearning has. Some more? How about the opportunity to record absence...
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Most Recent Posts

Can it be possible for students to see when their assignment is graded? Change the status from "your instructor is working on your assignment" to "unpublished" or something like that
Jan 09, 2021 11:08 AM
Have a resource tab instead of various tabs for tasks, files, discussions, etc. And be able to organize materials in folders
Dec 28, 2021 06:37 AM
How do I add grading periodes to a free for teacher couirse?
Dec 20, 2020 04:56 AM
Can it be possible to show who has created an assigment? It can, for example, be published by
Nov 09, 2020 12:05 PM
My idea is to change what the courses look like. Be able to put tasks, files, tests, etc. in folders. A bit like resources since itslearning has. Some more? How about the opportunity to record absence...
Oct 09, 2020 08:47 AM

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