
Community Participant
Aug 17, 2020 8:11:50 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I am constantly having this issue.  It happens, without fail, every. single. time I use speed grader on a large class' assignments.  And YES IT SAYS "All annotations saved."  But they are,...
Likes: 2
It can't be that hard.  It was easily doable in Blackboard.  Not only could you hide ANY column you wanted to from the students (which I found to be insanely useful when uploading exam scores for ...
Likes: 2
Yeah, unfortunately, my university does not allow you to add random gmail addresses as students.  I could see this being a major security issue, so I suspect many universities have the same restrictio...
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Wow, this was really helpful!  Thank you, James!
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It's nice that you want to make things more comfortable for your students, and believe me, I am FULL of complaints about features Canvas lacks.  But honestly, I have looked at this as a teachable ...
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Most Recent Posts

Yeah, unfortunately, my university does not allow you to add random gmail addresses as students.  I could see this being a major security issue, so I suspect many universities have the same restrictio...
Jan 11, 2022 07:35 AM
Wow, this was really helpful!  Thank you, James!
Aug 26, 2021 07:48 AM
I am constantly having this issue.  It happens, without fail, every. single. time I use speed grader on a large class' assignments.  And YES IT SAYS "All annotations saved."  But they are,...
Apr 07, 2021 12:22 PM
It's nice that you want to make things more comfortable for your students, and believe me, I am FULL of complaints about features Canvas lacks.  But honestly, I have looked at this as a teachable ...
Feb 09, 2021 12:19 PM
So you're referring us to a thread that was created 5.5 years ago and asking us to add more to the over 200 comments that say we would like to have this feature added, in the vain hopes that maybe...
Dec 06, 2020 19:09 PM

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