If I send an email through canvas and I accidently delete it, Can I bring it back?

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If I send an email through canvas and I accidently delete it, Can I bring it back?

1 Solution
Community Champion


Canvas messaging is not the same thing as email, but the two are often confused. Canvas conversations are designed to be an internal (within Canvas) system, but it has the capability to send notifications to external systems including regular email and the email will contain the full text of the message sent from Canvas. Canvas can also receive a message from an external system such as email that is a reply to a message that originated from Canvas. That ability for email to interact with Canvas messaging is great, but it often leads to confusion about which system you're using. A lot of people call Canvas messages email.

The answer to your question depends on where you deleted it from.

If you delete a message from Canvas, there is a popup that asks "Are you sure you want to delete your copy of this conversation? This action cannot be undone." If this is happened, then the links  @pmartinez  provided may be helpful. Another option is that the person who you sent the message to may still have a copy of it.

If you delete a message from your email client (Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, etc), then most people can go to their Trash folder in that application and recover deleted emails.

By default, messages sent from within Canvas go to both the Canvas system and emails (this is configurable) for the person receiving the email, so if you deleted it from one place, you may still be able to find it in the other. That redundancy doesn't exist when you're the sender of the message. Messages I send from within Canvas do not go to my email system, but they remain in Canvas unless you delete them from there.

It wouldn't hurt to check Canvas to see if the message is still there. Where you find it in Canvas depends on what type of message it was, but you start with the Inbox link. Once there, I would check under Inbox and Submission Comments for messages sent to you and Sent or Submission Comments for messages that you sent.


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