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Blueprint Courses Overview

Blueprint Courses Overview

In this video you will learn about Blueprint Courses.

Last updated: 2023-06-02


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Blueprint Courses Overview Video Script

In this video you will learn about Blueprint Courses. A blueprint course is a course that houses content you want to share to any number of associated courses. Blueprint courses are typically maintained by admins or course designers. Content added to a blueprint course is synced to all associated courses, and content can be locked or unlocked for editing in the associated courses. Before you enable Blueprint Course settings and sync content to associated courses, you should add all course content to the blueprint course. Note that associated courses must be in the same sub-account as the blueprint course.

To create a new blueprint course, create a new course, and, from the course Settings, enable the course as a Blueprint Course. Once you’ve created your course, added content, and enabled the Blueprint Course setting, you can configure content editing options for locked content in associated courses. By default, associated course instructors can edit any course content added from the blueprint course. You can lock editing options for instructors using the lock content options.

The General Locked Objects option allows you to disable editing for content, points possible, due dates, and availability dates for any locked course content item. For example, if you enable the General Content lock, an associated course instructor will not be able to edit content for any locked course content item. To enable a general object lock, select the General Locked Objects option. Then click the checkbox for the object types you wish to lock.

The Locked Objects by Type option allows you to disable specific editing options for assignments, discussions, pages, files, and quizzes. For each course content item, you can enable editing locks for content, points possible, due dates, and availability dates. For example, if you choose to lock Points for Assignments, instructors will not be able to modify points for any locked assignments. To enable a content lock by object type, locate and click the content type where you want to lock editing options. Then, click to enable a content object by type lock. Locked attributes cannot be modified by instructors in associated courses. 

After enabling your course content editing locks, you can lock specific course items. When you lock a course content item, the item cannot be deleted in an associated course. Additionally, associated course instructors will not be able to edit course content items with object locks. To lock course content items, navigate to a content area in the course. To lock a content item, click the unlocked icon. To unlock a content item, click the locked icon. When you lock an item, only attributes selected in Blueprint Course settings will be locked in associated courses.

After you lock course content items, you can associate courses with the Blueprint course. All content in the Blueprint course will sync to associated courses. Associated course instructors can edit or remove any synced content except for locked content. They cannot remove locked content or edit locked attributes. To associate a course, click the Blueprint Courses icon then click the Associations link. Search for a course by course title, name, or SIS ID. You can also filter displayed courses by term or sub-account. Search results appear in the Courses list. Click the checkbox next to the course or courses you want to associate. You can view a list of courses already associated with the Blueprint Course in the Associated section. When you’ve selected all courses you want to associate, click the Done button.

To sync course content from the blueprint course to associated courses, click the Blueprint Courses icon. If you want to sync course settings, select the Include Course Settings checkbox. If you want to send a blueprint course sync notification to associated course instructors, click the Send Notification checkbox. To preview pending sync changes, click the Unsynced Changes link. To sync changes to associated courses, click the Sync button. When you sync changes, you will overwrite any content previously synced to the course. Syncing does not affect any content instructors have added to the course. For more information about syncing exceptions, please refer to the Blueprint Courses documentation in the Canvas Community.

Associated course Instructors can view synced and locked content. They cannot modify locked objects in locked content. When instructors edit locked course content, Canvas displays a locked attributes message.  When searching for courses at the account or sub-account level, admins can choose to only view Blueprint Courses by clicking the Show only blueprint courses checkbox. The courses list will display blueprint courses but will not show associated courses.

You've now completed this overview video on Blueprint Courses. For additional information on this or any other topic about Canvas, please visit You can also ask questions and engage with other Canvas users by visiting

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