Canvas Pages Clean-Up

Community Contributor

Recently posted this in Canvas Feature Ideas   and reviewing the How do I validate links in a course?

Validating Links is only a small portion of keeping your Canvas course current and clean.  My times we will import the content time after time, add new content, or make some other changes.  After a while though, we find out the the import/export file is getting larger and larger.  Content pages that you are no longer using and when you run the validate links feature your list is long.

It is time to now clean-up your pages and remove the ones you no longer need.  What do you do? Print out or write down all the pages you currently have set in modules. Next view all the pages and delete the ones not being used. NO, that is time consuming and there is a much easier process.

I found a great easy three step fix for those.

  1. view all pages and unpublish all of them
  2. go back to my modules an publish all pages
  3. return to view all pages and review the unpublished items and determine whether to keep or delete

This can help clean-up an old course and remove many of the invalid link errors that would appear in the canvas tool.  Great ready for your fall start by cleaning out all the clutter.