Option to view analytics for items in the Commons

It would be helpful if the item owner could view how many times a resources has been imported into a course, how many times a resources has been viewed, etc. The rating is helpful, but more detailed analytics would be valuable to those who create content for the commons.


Transferred from old Community

Originally posted by: Robert Caldwell

Additional contributions by: Hope Liu, @Elena_Bianco

Community Contributor

This would be huge.  Please offer this!

Community Participant

We absolutely need this feature. We would like to use Commons for projects where tracking is essential.

Community Champion

There's another similar idea, they should be combined...

Community Champion

Okay, they're combined. Now we need to get more votes going on this as it would be very helpful.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

In order to moderate all Canvas ideas similarly under one voting process, this idea has been moved from Canvas Commons (back) to Canvas Feature Ideas area and will continue to be open for vote until June 1, 2016. Please refer to How does the voting process work for feature ideas?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

185678_pastedImage_6.pngWe appreciate you, and the submission of your idea. Your dialogue helps our product teams prioritize feature development. Unfortunately, this idea has been archived because it did not meet the 100-vote threshold within the 3-month voting period. Learn more at: How does the voting process work for feature ideas?

Can archived ideas still become a feature?  Potentially, yes. Archived ideas can be resubmitted by Community members. As people’s needs change, previously submitted ideas may gain additional traction. Feature ideas are evaluated as a whole and influence product direction.

Community Team
Community Team

This idea is one of the lucky ones that was selected to get a little more time for voting as part of our evolution of the feature idea process.   It was selected because of it's vote count and/or comment thread.  


*Selection criteria: Most (not all) ideas that received 70+ votes in their initial voting round.

Community Champion

Excellent! When will the new voting window open?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

SHEBENE, it will open on March 1! Please refer to https://community.canvaslms.com/community/ideas/blog/2017/02/17/flipping-the-switch-on-canvas-featur... for additional details on the new process.

Community Novice

This would be so useful at Bellevue College. In the library, we are now creating library instruction Canvas modules and placing them into the local Canvas Commons for faculty to download into their classes. This enables us to reach students and classes we may not see otherwise. However, unless someone tells us that they have downloaded and used a module, we don't know their usage. We need statistics to tell us the impact of the tools we are creating. 

Community Novice

This would be a great feature to have! We have been developing modules to upload into Canvas for our library instruction sessions and it would be UH-mazing to know how often these were downloaded from Commons.

Community Participant

I have recently had several comments and requests from faculty about this.  People need to know how many times their content is being used, how helpful it was, who, etc.  I actually had something on commons and removed it pending this option.  I create content that is important for faculty. 

Community Participant

I'm the new coordinator for 4-15ish sections (depending on the semester) of our freshmen survey course, and we're trying to redesign the content to be more engaging and to integrate our university's iPad initiative with Apple...but without being able to see how many times certain links are clicked, I can't make evidence-based change for next semester.  We need this feature ASAP to make our courses the best they can be.

Community Novice

We'd like to see this, too, at UC Berkeley. #ucberkeley

Community Novice

We are deciding to keep all of our training material on Commons or not. Without knowing if anyone else is using it, we may decide to remove it.

Community Novice

Yes, instruction librarians would benefit greatly from this -- we need a way to report how many of our modules are used/not used

Community Novice

Canvas LMS Community‌ any word on if analytics can become a part of modules/content shared out to Canvas Commons?

Community Novice

It would be so helpful to have this feature and not have to reach out to all faculty individually to see if they uploaded a module or not. 

Community Novice

Please make this availble!  🙂

Community Member

I don't understand why there are four votes down for this. What are possible negative outcomes of including this data in the system?