Post Policies enhancement: Hide assignment grade for single student while regrading


If a student turns in a paper late, after I have finished grading that of other students and thus unmuted the assignment, I would like to be able to grade that paper without the student getting constant notices that I have created comments, or to see my grading while I do a first pass and then finalize a grade later.  If I mute the assignment, then all the students in the class will get an email when I unmute it again.  I'd like to avoid overloading their inboxes or advertising that a student has turned in a paper late.


Comments from Instructure

Mute/Unmute is now Post Policies.  You can find more information in the Canvas Release Notes (2019-07-13) .


This feature idea is now open for voting.

Community Novice

This would also work for cases in which the assignment has different due dates for different students. I cannot wait until every student has turned in a paper to begin grading. If I grade an earlier paper, andthe I want to silently grade a later submission, I have to stop access to the  student that submitted earlier. This is not a good process.

Community Novice

We really miss this feature in Canvas

Community Contributor


I support this, and also would like to add, that our students are confused by the notification message sent when unmutting occurs

"Your instructor has released grade changes and new comments for Assignment ….. . These changes can now be viewed."

Students read this as saying that their grade has been changed, rather than thinking that these are new grades that were not visible before, meaning changed from a 0 to a whatever.

I think it is clearer to say . . . 

"Your instructor has released grades and comments for Assignment ….. . These can now be viewed."

Could this be included in the changes to grades area outlined above

Community Novice

This would be really useful. I've had a number of students asking about grade changes when all we have done is release the marks and feedback. The message above would remove such confusion.

Community Participant

Yes!  Really useful!

Community Novice

Please consider adding the ability to mute/unmute assignments by individual students instead of only by the whole class.  This would be incredibly valuable for courses that are team taught and when not all students need/should have access to an assignment but one needs access.

Community Novice

I am happy to see this idea reopened for voting. I am teaching a laboratory class with four sections that meet once a week. Each section submits a report on a separate day of the week. We need to have a way to mute only one section at a time. 

Community Novice

The ability to mute one or more students and unmute the others is essential for equity purposes for those students who receive approved extensions and submit work late, which is marked and returned late - this process should not impede other students receiving their feedback and grade in a timely manner.

Community Contributor

I think this would be a really useful feature. we have tight deadlines for returning work / feedback to students and if we could Mute / Unmute submissions rather than assignments whilst late submissions or students with extensions are still being marked it would be ideal.

Community Novice

The University of Canberra strongly supports muting assignments functionality to be able to be applied:

  • to an individual student
  • groups (ie more than one) of students
Community Novice

Really pleased to see this re-opened for voting. As other have already said, with tight turn-around times and students having extensions of varying times, this is just common sense. Come on Canvas.

Community Novice

The vote score is 173 as of July 3 2018. How many votes are needed to have this feature added? 


Hi  @rafael_chavez ,

There is no set threshold at which a given idea is guaranteed to be built.  The more votes and compelling use cases an idea collects the more weight and attention it will receive but there isn't a set threshold that once passed, guarantees that a feature or improvement will get developed.  When decided that to prioritize we take feature voting into account along with feedback from other sources, including Support and and CSMs and Product focus groups.  What does get prioritized also often has prerequisites or things that need to be worked on or built out before the other thing can be put into production.   If you haven't already, you might want to read 



Community Novice

This would be a great addition for students who may have IEP/504s that allow for different due dates. I would love to have this feature for grading assignments such as formal papers or DBQs. Given my class sizes I would like to have feedback provided in a timely manner without holding other students back. 

Community Novice

This would be a great feature for when we have issues with possible honor code violations. We right now have to withhold all student feedback until the situation is resolved--which can take WEEKS!

Community Novice

I completely agree! It is a matter of equity when different submission dates (whether due to extensions or group work etc.) are at play. Really hoping this becomes a feature - it's absolutely crucial in my opinion.

Community Contributor

Any movement away from a macro level unmute by 'assignment' is hugely welcomed.  This could be by student, grouping (Section?), or by Due Date (per models used by other assessment platforms).

It seems there really are some basic assessment management features missing from Canvas?  i.e. where we are fundamental is the ability to:

  • Set an assignment with an initial Due Date(s) and assign to students
  • Group students into marking batches (to administrate the process)
  • Allocate markers / moderators (TA's?) to those batches
  • Manage differentiated Due Dates which have a relational impact on their unmute date / trigger (i.e. differentiated / selective unmute)

Are our needs so different?

Community Novice

Yes! I want to be able to mute all students, then unmute one by one or in batches, without notifications being sent to all of them. 

Community Participant

Yes, Emily.  I agree.  We NEED this feature.