Hiding Recent Feedback/Grades


It'd be great to be able to hide the "recent feedback" sidebar on our home screens so that we can keep our grades private when we happen to log in while in class.

Community Novice
Community Novice

Even though I get excellent grades, having my scores posted so that anyone sitting next to me can see them IS NOT OKAY! It's no one's business but my own what my grades are. Could you please fix this?!!?

Community Participant

And do we need to see it forever?  Why can't we click on it and have it go away?

Community Champion

I'm hoping to connect this oft-resubmitted idea with the new Dashboard project and https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/9368-to-do-list" modifiedtitle="true" title="To Do List

Just as with marking items done, students need control of whether recent feedback and grades are shown when they navigate to Canvas courses from the Dashboard.

to-do list to-do stream option to hide recent feedback

Community Champion

Our university technology services recently released the results of a survey. I was particularly interested to see two student comments (so much of what I see on Community are from faculty and staff):


1. I do not like the fact that marks are posted on the very first page of canvas. In some courses like [ooo], one student has to sign in for the group assignment. This is done through Canvas. Once they sign in to Canvas, the other students in the group can see their marks for their last exam which to me is a violation of privacy. The marks should not be displayed on the homepage of Canvas.


2. This is a little thing, but I would like a way for our grades not to be shown on the dashboard of Canvas under "Recent Feedback" when we sign in. When I log in to Canvas during class, I intentionally scale down the size of my browser to hide my scores from people sitting behind me. It would be nice to have a setting I could change telling Canvas not to display "Recent Feedback" on the dashboard when I first log in.


I was ashamed to admit that I had never thought of the second scenario -- that of people in desks behind (particularly in tiered seating rooms) that would be able to easily look over a should to see grades and feedback.

Community Novice

It's not just tiered seating!! I'm in an RN program that REQUIRES us to log into their computers for any in-class work, including classwork, weekly quizzes, and exams, and the screens for our computers are HUGE! They are approximately the size of a 27" TV. So ANYONE nearby, next to you or behind, can see!! Such a privacy violation!

Community Participant

Yes, I'm a faculty trainer, Canvas admin AND now PhD a student here at my University. So, when I am doing a live or recorded tutorial my personal grades show up on the side - very inconvenient! I can go in through the admin all the time, but I need to show the dashboard sometimes. (Neither the Chrome nor the firefox plugins seem to work for me) Allowing the user control over this seems like a no-brainer to me, so I hope this doesn't take 3 months of voting, 6 months of pre-development, 6 months of testing, etc...

Community Participant

Does this work for you? It is not for me...

Community Participant

I agree...let's get this on the charts

Community Member

We have many small group activities with the med students.  One of them has to log into Canvas to provide the material for discussion (it's timed and that's why we use Canvas for this).  However, one of the students recently told us about their grade feedback being visible.  This is not acceptable and a violation of FERPA.  As far as i can tell this issue has been known and discussed for almost a year!!  Canvas needs to fix ASAP.  At least provide a setting in the user side so they can toggle this feature on/off.

Community Member


Community Explorer

I'm told this is not a FERPA violation because " we are not sharing your infomation with other users. You would be displaying it at your own regard, when displaying your dashboard." But then how are we supposed to show a large class how to access Canvas? My biggest concern here is for grad students who are teaching. The default should not be "skip over the screen with sensitive personal info". Please make this happen!

Community Member

This has been a long standing issue with Canvas and a number of complaints about this.  I'm unclear why Canvas is unable to make this part of the personal notification set up.  Students should have the ability to select what is visible on their page.

Community Participant

I agree...this is what I wrote 10 months ago: " I hope this doesn't take 3 months of voting, 6 months of pre-development, 6 months of testing, etc..." I'm trying to understand the downside of having a hide recent feedback "X" on the sidebar. 

This week this is on the side of my dashboard when I show faculty Canvas:


I'm glad I tend to get good grades Smiley Happy 

Community Champion

I don't agree with this statement. I believe it IS a FERPA violation if you can't help but share information in the course of conducting your school work.

Community Novice

The recent feedback list should at least have a way to mark messages as read or to close out the message in the recent feedback list once it has been read. A long list is difficult for students to scroll through and lessens the value of having unread feedback on the dashboard list.

Community Novice

You should also be able to delete the "Recent Feedback" if you no longer need it.  And I agree with one of the above statements, that this IS a FERPA violation!

Community Participant

We are coming up on the 3 year anniversary of this idea that has 207 upvotes - and is still open to voting. Is there any way to get this suggestion into the pipeline?

Community Member

As a teacher it is just as annoying that the feedback from silly back to school training is still sitting there clogging my feed. Why is this not something we can just x out after reading?  

Community Novice

Has Canvas done any work to allow us to 'x' out of "Recent Feedback" on our Dashboard. It is ridiculous to have to see feedback from August on back to school training and not to be able to delete it.