UDOIT 2.6.3 - PHP 7.3 Compatibility!

Community Champion

This release fixes a number of issues, both new and old.  A huge thanks to escull‌ for figuring out so many of these.  If you've been having any trouble with tables, please test out this version and let me know if it your issues are resolved.


Upgrade Instructions

  • Download UDOIT version 2.6.3 now!
  • Test in a development or QA environment, not on production.
  • If you are still using PHP 7.1 or below, you must upgrade to 7.2 or 7.3.
  • (Self-Hosted) Update your localConfig.php file to make sure it's up to date with localConfig.template.php
  • (Heroku-Hosted) Update your Config Vars to include the new variables
  • Run "php composer.phar install"
  • If you're coming from a version older than 2.6.2, back up your database and run "php composer.phar migrate"
  • (Heroku-Hosted) Follow the instructions in HEROKU.md


Bugs Fixed

  • If you've been having trouble with detecting and fixing table headers, we may have fixed the issue:
    • UFIXIT for tables fixed for PHP 7.3. So, that means UDOIT is now compatible with PHP 7.3!
    • UFIXIT for tables now works when selecting "first column" or "both".
    • One institution reported that UFIXIT added an empty row to a table when a space is present in the HTML. This was fixed.
  • The status page accurately reports status of the Developer Key.
  • Decreased memory usage when generating "Most Common Errors" report in the admin panel.



  • A list of all the tests UDOIT looks for was added to the README
  • The YouTube Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy were added to footer in order to comply with the YouTube API usage requirements. This feature is able to be enabled, disabled, and customized.
  • A less expensive endpoint used for testing the Google API key in the status page.