UDOIT 2.8.0 "Gotha"

Community Champion

Release Information

It's here!  The final release of UDOIT 2.  Don't worry, though!  We are hard at work getting UDOIT 3 ready to go.  As with all feature releases, the one is named after a small town in Central Florida.  Gotha, FL was chosen because it is the final resting place of Bob Ross, who always reminded us that "There are no mistakes, only happy accidents."  This release contains a number of feature enhancements and bug fixes.  You can find more details at the UDOIT 2.8.0 release page.

Questions?  Issues?

If you have any questions or encounter any issues with UDOIT, please join the UCF Open Source Slack Organization and let us know in the #udoit channel.  Slack is the fastest way to get in touch with us, and helps us keep everything in one place.  However, you are welcome to ask questions about UDOIT 2.8.0 in the comments section of this article.