[ARCHIVED] UDOIT Version 2.3.5

Community Champion

This is a very tiny update that fixes an issue with false positives and Vimeo videos.  Previously, UDOIT was only detecting Vimeo videos embedded in an iframe because the URL was of the form "https://vimeo.com/player/########".  However, when you simply link to a Vimeo video, it's in the form "https://vimeo.com/########".  UDOIT was detecting those Vimeo video links, but not properly checking them for captions, resulting in a false positive.

This release does not require any changes to your localConfig file, migrations for your database, or updates to packages.  However, you should still test it on a test installation of UDOIT before moving it to production.

To download, visit Release v2.3.5 · ucfopen/UDOIT · GitHub