UDOIT "Missing Session Information" Error in Chrome

Community Champion

A few institutions have contacted me over the last few weeks regarding an error they receive when launching UDOIT in Chrome.  The full error is "Missing Session information. Please refresh the page. Missing: base_url".

This issue has to do with how the latest version of Chrome handles cookies, and it was fixed in version 2.6.0, which was released in January.  There are two ways to resolve this issue:

  1. Update your instance of UDOIT to the latest version, which is 2.7.0
  2. Install the code to patch this issue. right below define('UDOIT_VERSION'... in your config/settings.php file.

Please reply to this post with any questions you have about this issue.

Community Participant

Hi Jacob.  I just did a fresh 2.6.4 install of UDOIT on our Canvas test instance following the YouTube video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1LgnErkvsA.  

It installed successfully, but it still give me the same Google Chrome error when I click on the UDOIT course menu link. 

Error:  Missing Session information. Please refresh the page. Missing: base_url




Jeff Morgan

Community Champion

Thanks for reporting that, Jeff.  I'm investigating with my Heroku instance to see if I can replicate the issue.  In the meantime, please do the following:

  1. Clear your cache and cookies, then
  2. Open your UDOIT test instance again.
  3. If you still get the error, please open up the Console by pressing Command+Option+J on MacOS or Control+Shift+J on Windows, and send me any errors or warnings you see.
Community Participant

Jacob, I cleared all cache and cooking on my Chrome browser and ran UDOIT again on our Canvas test instance and still received the same error.

I performed the Commond+Shift+J on my Windows machine, and you will see the results in the attached screen shot.  Not sure if you need me to provide you something else from the command options?

Thanks!Chrome Error.jpg

Community Champion

Jeff:  One more thing to try.  In your test instance of Canvas, go into your user settings to the Approved Integrations list, and remove all UDOITs listed.  When you load UDOIT again, it should require you to authorize.  Let me know what you see.

Community Participant

When I went to the Approved Integrations list, there was one from our Prod instance and the new one I just created yesterday.  I deleted both of these, clicked on UDOIT again, got the request to Authorize, and when I clicked on it I got a "Authentication problem: Please contact support." error message.

Auth Pop_Up.jpgAuth Problem - UDOIT.jpg

Community Champion

Jeff:  A few more questions:

  • Do you see any errors in the Heroku logs?
  • Are you able to get past this point with a different browser?
  • Does this affect other users?
Community Participant

Jacob, the logs I have in Heroku are below.  Yes, when I use either Firefox or Edge, UDOIT is working fine on our Canvas test instance (and prod instance).  I have not yet asked other users to try the newly upgraded UDOIT app on the test instance, but I was notified of the original problem on our prod instance from a faculty member (which I verified using my account).


Heroku Logs.jpg


Community Participant

Hi Jacob.  Wondering if you had any updated information on this issue?


Community Champion

I'm sorry I didn't respond last week.  I haven't had any time to look into the issue, and I probably won't until next week.  If anyone else has time to test a new Heroku installation to see if they can replicate the issue, please feel free to step in.

Community Member

Hi Jacob. Thank you for all of your work on this project. We are encountering similar issues with UDOIT in Chrome. I can't re-call if people have experienced this exact issue, but the issue we are running into is with UDOIT simply not running in Chrome anymore. The LTI loads, but when I click the green "Run scanner" button, I get the brief yellow "please stay on this page..." message but it immediately goes away and nothing happens. Clicking the green button again doesn't do anything. Works fine in Firefox, though!

Do you think this is related to this same error and upgrading our instance of UDOIT could resolve it? Thank you so much!

Community Champion

@haguilera I highly recommend upgrading to the latest version, which is 2.7.0.  It contains many bug fixes, and might alleviate some of the issues you're having.  The issue you mentioned could be an authentication issue, which would result in the scanning process hanging, but I'm not able to tell for sure.