Be The Hero (Update - Being Deprecated July 15, 2023)



The Learning Services Team has offered the Be The Hero, Quick Start Admin Guide, in CanvasNet and for import from the Canvas Commons. Some clients may have also received a course import file and added this resource directly to their instance.The resource will be deprecated as of July 15, 2023. Please read on for alternative resources.


The Instructure Community team has developed free materials for beginning Canvas Admins. In the past, these materials were found throughout the Community guides. Recently, these materials have been reorganized into Getting Started Lessons. The benefit is that these lessons and guides are kept up to date with each release by an entire team dedicated to maintaining the community content.


Current participants in the CanvasNet course will also receive this announcement and an update to the course in the Canvas Commons will include the messaging on the homepage and in the version update notes.  


Below is a walkthrough on the free community material recommended for new Canvas Admins, click on the image to begin. Or, you can go directly to these lessons here.

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Previous Content Preserved Below in Italics - Now Outdated

Knowing where to begin as a brand new Canvas Admin can be a huge task. You probably need to move quickly, and learn a lot all at once. We've created a new free resource - Be The Hero -  for you to help you get acclimated to how Canvas works and how it can work for you!

About The Course

Be The Hero has five modules of content that will take those who will be Canvas Admins through everything they need to know about using Canvas at their institutions - no matter what level. The course uses a combination of the Canvas Video Guides and Canvas Guides to teach the content. Each concept also includes information about the corresponding Canvas Training webinar. Participants in the course will have the opportunity to check their understanding with self-check quizzes at the end of each module. 


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The course is available in the Canvas Commons at this link: Be The Hero, (pro tip - make sure you're logged in to Canvas!) and is offered under a Attribution-Non-Commerical-ShareAlike licence. That means you’re free to share the course, as well adapt it to meet the needs of your institution.


If you’ve never used a resource in the Canvas Commons before, all you need is an empty course in your Canvas instance in which to copy the Growing with Canvas course. Once Be The Hero is in your instance, you’re free to edit and use the course as you wish. Check out this guide - How do I use Commons? - if you need more help.


UPDATE 10/30/2018: If you don't have the Commons, or if you are having an issue with downloading the course from the Commons, visit this link ( - Google Drive ) instead to download a copy of the course. Simply then have a blank course in your instance of Canvas to import the course to, and you'll be good to go!


Potential Uses

  • Share this course with your colleagues
  • Apply the principles in Growing with Canvas to your own courses
  • Elevate your knowledge about Canvas