[ARCHIVED] 1-page documentation for New Grade Posting Policy

Community Contributor

My team has worked to pull together a 1-page handout (copied below and attached as both doc and pdf) for our instructors attempting to explain the New Grade Posting Policy. I am sharing it with the Community in the hopes that it helps others. With thanks to UMKC Instructional Design & Technology for jump starting our thought processes on keeping it simple.


Accepting all comments, suggestions, and feedback. We consider this to be a living document that may change as we continue to hear from instructors on how they want to utilize the grade post policy.




New Grade Posting Policy


Canvas’ latest update to the New Gradebook has expanded the Mute feature for graded assignments into a new Hide Grades feature and Grade Posting Policy feature. This allows you greater control over when students can view their assignment grade.


What does this mean? Well, for instructors who enter their students’ grades into the Gradebook in real-time, or use automatically graded items…it means nothing. Nothing has changed.


However, for instructors who prefer to hide an Assignment’s grades while entering them, the new Grade Posting Policy is just what you’ll need to control the hiding and posting of those grades.


By default, the Grade Posting Policy in Canvas is set to Automatically - where assignment grades are visible to students as soon as they are entered.


The Grade Posting Policy can be changed to Manually - where assignment grades are hidden, and instructors choose when to post grades for each assignment.


Changing the Grade Posting Policy can be done for the entire Gradebook, or on an Assignment-by-Assignment basis.


Once a posting policy is in place, you can post grades or hide grades from an Assignment's Options menu in the Gradebook.

Visibility IconsMeaning


Before Grades Have Been Entered -

o   Manual Posting Policy has been applied

No grades available to be hidden from student view


After Some or All Grades Have Been Entered -

o   Manual Posting Policy has been applied

o   some or all assignment submissions have been graded

o   some or all grades have been posted to students

Some or All grades are visible in student view


Assignment column with the following specifications -

o   Manual Posting Policy has been applied

o   some or all assignment submissions have been graded

o   no grades have been posted to students

All grades are hidden from student view

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