[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] Modules as an individual plan

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So we have a lot of individual plans for students in English. I wonder If I can lock modules to just one or two students to see in a course, as I can do with tasks. Also I wonder if there is any canvas courses that our school can attend to atm.


Maria Larsson 

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hello  @maria_larsson1 ‌, I am not aware of a way to specify modules to specific students or even sections.  I get that question a fair amount from my staff.  You could user groups and the "group homepage" feature but it is not a clean as modules.  

How do I view groups in an account? 

Alternatively, if you have assignments (or to do's like you mention) only the people that those are assigned to would see those in the module.  So the modules could look different depending on what was assigned to you versus others.  Obviously this does not help if you are using modules for non-assignment stuff as well.  This may be the same thing you are talking about but thought I would mention it.

Here are some paid and free trainings that I am aware of:


Hope this helps!


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