[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] Do you have the Quizzes Rocket Ship icons with transparent background?

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I need the rocket icons for Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes with transparent background to add to our training materials. Does anybody have those files to share? I expected them to be in the images tab for download in this group, but there are not any images available, and screenshots are not great on any materials that are not built on a white background. Thanks.

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1 Solution
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Hello,  @ebm20250 ! I completely understand your need! Thankfully, I made these recently in high quality with transparent backgrounds. I'm glad to share with you!

Attached are the four that you will need. Two are specific to UNPUBLISHED Quizzes (the ones uncolored) and two are specific to PUBLISHED Quizzes. I had to be careful to use the correct ones as my faculty did ask questions.

The darker one both colored and uncolored is New Quizzes and the lighter one is for Classic Quizzes. All four are PNG / Transparent background and are attached as well as embedded below.

I hope this helps in some way! Happy document-making!

Warm regards,

Cat Flippen

  • New Quizzes // Unpublished: 


  • Classic Quizzes // Unpublished:


  • New Quizzes // Published: 


  • Classic Quizzes // Published:


(EDITED: Corrected and combined content information)

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