[ARCHIVED] Add Observers - Invalid Recipient Name

Community Champion

We've been running the script  @Steve_25 ‌ shared to include observers in a Canvas Inbox message. I have staff receiving an invalid recipient name error when they try to send a message where they've used this button, but it seems to be inconsistent:

  • Select student. Click add observers. Send message --- receive invalid recipient name and could not send the message (occurred when the teacher tried to send and when I masqueraded)
  • Added a test student to the course, made myself their observer. Masqueraded as the teacher and repeated the above process. No errors. 
  • Bypassed the scripted function. Selected student and observer directly from the address book lists. No errors.

So I'm stumped, any ideas? The course is published, so that's not the issue. Is it just some thing with this particular student or parent accounts (it's both the mother and father). The mother in this case is also a teacher (but with a separate Canvas account/SIS ID) so it's easy to test with her, I can't really start pushing out test messages to random parents. 

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