[ARCHIVED] Allowing multiple weightings for assignment groups

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For a course I'm teaching, I would like to have students' grades determined using a "Best of two options" approach.  Something along the lines of:

"Your grade will be determined by the higher average from

Option 1: HW 20%, Midterm 20%, Discussion 20%, Final 40%

Option 2: HW 20%, Midterm 10%, Discussion 20%, Final 50%"

For each individual option, I could set use weighted assignment groups to have that option as a student's displayed grade in the gradebook.  Is there a way to have Canvas choose between the two options?  

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No, I don't believe so. Canvas is not set up for that. 

Personally, I would just go with Option 1.

HW 20%, Midterm 20%, Discussion 20%, Final 40%

Option 2 puts far too much weight on a single assessment. In fact, at my community college, the final exam cannot count for more than 40% of the final grade.

I might suggest putting more emphasis on homework and discussions, especially if you are teaching remotely. When we moved to teaching online in March 2020, we lost the ability to effectively proctor our students during exams. That's led to a lot of cheating, especially on high-stakes exams. Just something to consider.

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