[ARCHIVED] Announcements: Closed for comments in Student View

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Community Novice

When I create an Announcement it appears open for comments in my teacher view.  When I switch to student view it is closed for comments.  I'm not seeing a way to change the setting.  Did I miss something?

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1 Solution

Hi,  @sschedler ‌, I just did a quick test. If the ability to comment on announcements is disabled in the Settings area of the course, the checkbox to allow replies will not appear in the announcement interface, as that option would be disabled globally. If you'd like your students to be able to reply to your announcements, click on the Settings tab for the course, then on Course Settings (the tab at the top), and then scroll down to more options. Clicking more options reveals the ability to enable or disable replies to announcements; that checkbox is enabled by default, meaning that replies are disabled by default. Once you've enabled replies by de-selecting the box, you can make the decision on each announcement case-by-case.

This resource provides the visuals: How do I disable announcement replies for an entire course? 

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