@tgideons ...
My experience with Feature Ideas here in the Canvas Community seems to be different than yours...and that's perfectly okay. I'm not sure if you've seen this particular page, but if you go to:
Idea Conversations - Instructure Community
...on the right hand side of the page, there is an "Idea Statuses" box where it currently lists over 600 Feature Ideas that have been requested by fellow Community members that have been implemented (completed) by Instructure. As you page through some of the Feature Ideas in that section, I'm sure you'll find some that have been on people's "wish list". Some are quite popular...and some may not be as popular.
So, I can completely understand some of the frustration. I've been there, too. I've submitted several Feature Ideas over the years here in the Community...some of which I've thought would really benefit all Community members. But yet, they've not gotten much attention. At the same time, I've had a small handful of my Feature Ideas get implemented in Canvas ... ones that I thought would never see the light of day. So, in those cases, I was pleasantly surprised when those ideas I submitted made it into the core Canvas product...even if they seemed small or didn't seem to get much feedback/votes/star ratings from fellow Community members.
[As a side note, the voting system that used to be in the old Community website (prior to Summer 2020) is no more. It has been replaced with a star rating system...which you can read more about here: How do idea conversations work in the Instructure ... - Instructure Community. But, posting Feature Ideas here in the Community and getting star ratings isn't the only source of how Instruture decides what to work on. This document What is the feature development process for Instru... - Instructure Community outlines other sources (for example, focus groups).]
I would encourage you to stay engaged in Community discussions...especially about those Feature Ideas that you are passionate about but have not yet been developed in Canvas. In those Feature Ideas, provide real-world examples of why those features would be important to you. What benefits would that particular feature have for you that's not currently possible? How would your workflow be improved if such a feature existed in Canvas? While it may seem that Instructure employees don't respond to every Feature Idea thread, I can tell you, as a Community Coach, that they do read our Ideas that we submit here in the Community. They value our feedback (good and bad) and appreciate hearing from us as Canvas users/educators.
I'm not sure if any of this will be helpful to you or not, but I thought I'd share my own experiences...for what it's worth.
Take care, stay safe, and be well.
This discussion post is outdated and has been archived. Please use the Community question forums and official documentation for the most current and accurate information.