[ARCHIVED] Auto-0 Grades

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Community Champion

Hello all,

I have a question and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.  Currently in our courses, we have a scenario where we would like to have all ungraded assignments (those with a "-") in the gradebook to be converted to a "0" after the Due Date for the assignment has passed.  As far as I can tell there is only a way to Set the Default Grade, or to Treat All Ungraded as 0, but there is no way I can find to have Canvas do this automatically for our instructors. 

Is there something I am missing?  I appreciate the help as always. 


Jason Schaffer

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1 Solution
Community Champion

We have dealt with this scenario as well, and we have directed instructors to use the set default grade to zero for each assignment. There was a recent release with of the Late Policies feature in the new gradebook that, from my understanding, should allow for a more automated solution.

If your instructors are willing to switch to the New Gradebook  there is now a way to set a Missing submission policy that will set all missing assignments to 0% after the due date. Here's more information on the MIssing Submission policy. https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-13884-late-policies-faq#jive_content_id_Missing_Submission_... 

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