Hello @fefataxa ! The best way to accomplish this is to create three separate question banks, one for each type of question (easy, medium, and difficult) and then use the question banks to build the quiz. This document describes how to create question banks in Canvas, How do I create a question bank in a course? and this one how to use question banks to create quizzes where the questions are pulled and randomized, https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26199-how-do-i-create-a-quiz-with-a-question-group-to-rando... The caveat here is that while Canvas will randomly pull the number of questions you indicate from a linked question bank, it puts those questions in a particular group on the quiz. So if you have questions 1-10 pulled from a bank of 20 questions randomly, then the questions students receive would be different but they would always be numbered 1-10. The implication here is that if you had a bank for easy, medium, and difficult, then you could end up having all of the easy questions on the test first, all the medium next, and all the difficult at the end. This may not be what you want.
I am not aware of a way to have Canvas pull "x" number of questions from multiple question banks and mix those up on a quiz. You can add questions to a quiz and reorder those manually, but then the questions wouldn't be randomized from one student to another.
I hope this helps. If someone in the Community knows of a way to mix questions from multiple banks randomly throughout an entire quiz, I would love to know about it as well!
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