[ARCHIVED] Bug Report: Students Cannot See Appointment Groups

Community Member

Problem: Students cannot see Appointment Groups in a Canvas shell that they are enrolled in.

Problem occurs:  Always (We believe.)

Work around:  Nothing to completely circumvent the problem

Problem first noted:  On approximately 2021-01-19

NOTE:  We used a different calendaring system prior to this semester.

Problem Details:
My group of 8 Teaching Assistants is using a Canvas shell as an appointment scheduling system.  We call this our Online Math Lab (OML).  Each of us is part of the OML and we are also "attached" to course sections owned by our faculty.  From the OML calendar we create appointment groups and "add" the appointment groups to the calendars of our attached sections.

Students enroll in the course sections and also "enroll" in the OML.  After a student has enrolled, the OML shows up in their Canvas Dashboard and list of courses.

The 8 TAs can see each others' appointment groups -- i.e. we can see the individual appointments from the appointment groups when we look at the OML calendar.

Students can see the individual appointments when they view the calendar only if they are enrolled in a sections that a TA is "attached to" (which is where we also placed the Appointment Groups).  If a student is enrolled in the OML but not in an "attached section", then the student cannot see the individual appointments.

We want the students to be able to see all appointments if they are enrolled in the OML, regardless of their enrollment in any "attached section".  

The workaround that isn't a workaround:  Create a set of Calendar Events rather than an Appointment Group.   Since Calendar Events can exist in only one calendar at a time, two separate Calendar Events are created, one for the OML and one for the "attached section".  This OML Calendar Event does show up in the OML calendar for students who are enrolled in the OML.  But this is not a viable solution because it doesn't function like an appointment.

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