[ARCHIVED] Bulk download of "Student Analyses" from multiple/all quizzes in a Canvas Course?

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Hello all,

I'm the instructional coordinator for ~200 sections of our first year experience seminar. Students complete ~20 short reflection writings as Quizzes throughout the semester, and we are keen to explore this student voice at scale through natural language processing. 

We could not find a ready means to extract all the quizzes from a given Canvas Course or a given set of Canvas Courses . . . only a one quiz at a time approach. Thus, I provided our multitude of instructors with a quick workflow to download the Student Analysis file for each quiz for each of their sections, and then drop all these quizzes into a shared Google Folder for sorting, consolidation, and cleaning on my end. 

HOWEVER, despite this workflow and numerous reminders, only about half of the instructors followed through on uploading all the quizzes for their sections. Sigh. Thus, I thought I'd reach here regarding any way to "vacuum out" submissions for all quizzes within a Canvas course before I go back and bug already non-responsive folks more. Right now, I'm looking at about 20 hours and 15,000 clicks if I do this myself on a quiz-by-quiz basis. Ugh.

Thanks, Stephen

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1 Solution

Hello SASchellenberg,

Thanks for posting in the Community!

I understand we are trying to download quiz statistics en masse and I want to help.


Currently there is not a feature in the Canvas UI to download quiz statistics for multiple quizzes at once as the quiz statistics would need to be generated per quiz. However, you can use the Canvas API to view quiz statistics for individual quizzes, and generate csv files from the API information to be aggregated into a file. https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/quiz_statistics.html#method.quizzes/quiz_statistics.index

Unfortunately it sounds like we are limited in what you are trying to do. However we are always open to input. It sounds like that would be a great idea posted to our Idea Conversation page as far as an additional feature added to quiz statistics. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/idb-p/ideas

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