[ARCHIVED] CANVAS with "SCORM graded assignment" | repeated attempts > gradebook

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Hi everyone, 

I have been working with SCORM files (created with iSpring) and using them as assignments in our local implementation of Canvas. I allow students to repeat the assignments multiple times (they are not assessable towards their final score - they want to tale different pathways that SCORM file allow me to design, so it is beneficial if they retry), they just need to show they have done them at least once. The SCORM files report scores into gradebook fine, but when student restarts the assignments the score gets wiped out. Unless the student finishes the whole assignment again it will show that they did not do it, yet it is their - for example - second attempt.

I have been scratching my head how to set one way or the other side to retain the score in the gradebook.

Anyone has some clever advise re "setting" that I have so far missed?

I hope it makes some sense the above.

Thanks, Jan 

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