[ARCHIVED] Call for proposals: OLC Innovate Solution Design Summit (New Orleans, April 2016)


Looking for a professional development opportunity or a place to showcase your incredible work in online education?

Solution Design Summit: Call for Team Proposals

OLC and MERLOT invite you to submit a proposal for the Solution Design Summit (SDS).

Deadline to submit is February 5, 2016.

How does it work?

Small teams (e.g. 3-5 people) can submit a challenge from their respective organization and/or institution that requires a creative, multi-disciplinary approach. Selected teams will receive feedback on their SDS proposal, be invited to join the SDS workshop session at the start of the conference to network with peers and solicit feedback from experts, be provided an opportunity to “pitch” (i.e. 10 minute presentation) their ideas during the #OLCInnovate conference where participants can ask questions or give feedback, and share with the OLC community after Innovate 2016 concludes.

For more information about the OLC Innovate conference and the Solution Design Summit, visit: Solution Design Summit (SDS) - CFP - OLC

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