[ARCHIVED] Can professors see test questions that were answered incorrectly?

Community Member

Hello! I'm currently taking a Bio 101 course and have had a series of "quizzes" through canvas + lockdown browser. After an exam, I usually follow up with the professor to see what questions were answered incorrectly in order to fill in any gaps in my knowledge or to "challenge" an answer. However, in this class, the professor says that she can't do that for me. I'm quite frustrated because in the past exam I took, I had no doubt in my answers and felt very confident, but still managed to get answers wrong. I emailed her again to see if she might have figured that issue out with canvas and she responded with:

"I unfortunately cannot release the tests that Canvas provides each student as the program randomly generates questions from test banks from different units."

Is there a way for her to see the questions and just screen share them with me? I'm very frustrated as the final is cumulative and at this point, I have no idea what I got wrong, or what I have misunderstood. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

A very frustrated student, 

Maria M.

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