What options can I set in a quiz?
When you create a quiz, you have a variety of options to choose from within a classic quiz.
- When the Disable Classic Quiz Creation feature option is enabled, you cannot create new Classic Quizzes. However, existing Classic Quizzes can continue to be edited, imported, and migrated to New Quizzes.
- The options displayed in this lesson are for Classic Quizzes. To set the options for a quiz in New Quizzes, learn how to manage settings for a quiz in New Quizzes.
Name Quiz
When creating a new quiz, Canvas defaults to the Details tab. In the Unnamed Quiz field, you can add a name for your quiz.
Choose Quiz Details
Add instructions using the Rich Content Editor [1].
Select the quiz type from the Quiz Type drop-down menu [2].
To categorize the quiz into the proper Assignment Group, select a group from the Assignment Group drop-down menu [3].
Shuffle Answers

To shuffle (randomize) answers, click the Shuffle Answers checkbox. (You can also shuffle questions by creating a question group.)
Set Time Limit

To set a time limit, click the Time Limit checkbox [1]. Enter the number of minutes students have to complete the entire quiz [2].
Timed quizzes begin once a student begins the exam and do not pause if the student navigates away from the quiz. If no time limit is set, students have unlimited time to complete the quiz.
- If a timed quiz is automatically submitted after a student loses internet connectivity, the submission time stamp and time to complete the quiz may not align with the allotted time limit and/or the availability dates.
- If a student loses internet connectivity, Canvas extends the time for five minutes, saving the answer entered before the timer runs out.
Allow Multiple Attempts

To allow students to take the quiz more than once, click the Allow Multiple Attempts checkbox [1].
By default, Canvas keeps the highest score as the final score. To keep a different score, click the Quiz Score to Keep drop-down menu [2]. You can choose whether to keep the highest score, latest score, or the average score of all attempts.
By default, students are allowed unlimited attempts and a dash displays. To limit the number of attempts, enter a number in the Allowed Attempts field [3].
Allow Students to View Responses

By default, students can view their answers, any automatic feedback generated by the quiz for correct or incorrect answers, and which questions they got wrong. Use the following options to control response visibility:
- Let Students See Their Quiz Responses checkbox [1]: allows students to see their quiz responses. Deselect this option to prevent students from seeing their quiz responses.
- Only After Their Last Attempt [2]: allows students to see their responses only after their last quiz attempt. This option is only available if you allow at least one attempt for the quiz.
- Only Once After Each Attempt [3]: students can view their responses immediately after they have completed the quiz—results include both their responses and the correct answers. Students will still see their quiz score upon submitting a quiz when this option is enabled. Because of this, this option may not be appropriate for quizzes that require manual grading, such as essay questions, where students may need to access the quiz results multiple times to see an updated quiz score.
If you allow more than one attempt for the quiz and students can only see responses after the last attempt, please be aware that not all students may complete all attempts and therefore may never see their quiz responses. For instance, if a student has three attempts but achieves their desired score in the second attempt, the student will most likely not complete the third (and last) attempt. That means their quiz responses and correct answers will not appear because the last attempt was not completed. To allow these students to see their responses, you would have to manually change the quiz settings at a later time.
- Students cannot view their results if the quiz uses Respondus LockDown Browser and has the Only Once After Each Attempt option enabled.
- When a quiz is saved with the Only Once After Each Attempt option, you can use the Moderate Quiz feature to give students additional views to their quiz results.
Allow Students to See Correct Answers

By default, students can see correct answers after completing a quiz. A green Correct tab displays on every correct answer throughout the entire quiz. Use the following options to control correct answer visibility:
- Let Students See The Correct Answers [1]: allows students to view the correct answers after completing the quiz.
- Only After Their Last Attempt [2]: allows students to see their correct responses only after their last quiz attempt. This option is only available if you allow at least one attempt for the quiz.
To control when and for how long students can see the correct answers, you can use the Show Correct Answers at and Hide Correct Answers at fields [3]:
- To show answers immediately after quiz is submitted, leave the Show and Hide fields blank.
- To create a date range to display the answers, set a start date in the Show field and an ending date in the Hide field.
- To always show answers after a specific date, set a date in the Show field.
- To hide answers after a specific date, set a date in the Hide field.
- If you allow more than one attempt for the quiz and students can only see answers after the last attempt, please be aware that not all students may complete all attempts and therefore may never see the correct answers. For instance, if a student has three attempts but achieves their desired score in the second attempt, the student will most likely not complete the third (and last) attempt. That means their correct answers will not appear because the last attempt was not completed. To allow these students to see correct answers, you would have to manually change the quiz settings at a later time.
- If the Only Once After Each Attempt option is selected, it overrides any show or hide dates or times. If you want to show or hide correct answers on any specific date or time, do not select the Only Once After Each Attempt option.
Show One Question at a Time and Lock

Use the following options to control whether the questions are displayed one at a time and whether students can go back:
- Show one question at a time checkbox [1]: students can only view one question at a time.
- Lock questions after answering [2]: students cannot return to the previous question once it has been answered.
- Questions will be locked even if a student clicks the Next button without answering the question.
- If your Canvas admin has restricted students from viewing quiz submissions after the course ends, the options to let students see correct answers and show one question at a time will not be available after the course end date has passed.
Set Quiz Restrictions

By default, any student in the course can take a quiz from anywhere. However, you can restrict the quiz so it can only be taken in specific situations. Use the following options:
- Require an access code [1]: requires students to enter an access code to take the quiz. Enter the access code in the access code text field [2].
- Filter IP Addresses [3]: filters IP addresses and requires students to take a quiz from a specific computer lab. Enter the IP address in the IP address text field [4].
If you have the Respondus LockDown Browser plugin enabled by your institution, that browser also appears as an option under Quiz Restrictions. The Respondus LockDown Browser does not allow other windows to be opened during the quiz and helps prevent cheating.
If your institution uses the Respondus LockDown Browser LTI, the Respondus option does not display under Quiz Restrictions and Respondus LockDown settings are managed from the LockDown Browser Dashboard in Course Navigation.
- An access code may contain any number of characters.
- You can change an access code at any time. This has no effect on students who have already taken the quiz or those who have not. However, if you change the access code while students are taking the quiz, the students may be forced out of the quiz as soon as they answer a question, click the Next button, or cause a page refresh. Students must start the quiz again using the new access code.
- Quiz IP filters are a way to limit access to quizzes to computers in a specified IP range. Filters can be a comma-separated list of addresses, or an address followed by a mask (i.e., or For more information on these masks, view the IP Filtering in Canvas resource document.
Assign Quiz and Dates

In the Assign To field [1], you can assign the quiz to everyone, individual students, or course sections. You can also enter a due date and availability dates.
Create Quiz Questions
Once you have set up the settings for your quiz, click the Questions tab to create the quiz questions and points. You can create individual quiz questions, questions with a question bank, questions with a question group, and questions with a question bank in a question group.
Save Quiz

Click the Save button to save your work on your quiz.
Note: You should not publish your quiz until it is your final product. If you are ready to publish your quiz and make it available to students, click the Save & Publish button.
Unpublished Quiz Options

Once you save your quiz, you have several quiz options.
To publish the quiz, click the Publish button [1]. Publishing a quiz means that students will be able to see the quiz in the course.
To assign the quiz or view current assignments, click the Assign To button [2].
To edit the quiz, click the Edit button [3].
You can also view more options in the Options menu [4]:
- Show Rubric for a quiz to evaluate student answers, such as for essay questions (learn how to add a rubric) [5].
- Lock this Quiz Now so that students cannot access the quiz once it is published [6]. The quiz title will still be visible to students but they will be unable to open the quiz. This option only applies to quizzes that are assigned to Everyone.
- Delete this quiz [7].
Note: If you want to hide the quiz from student view, do not publish the quiz. When the quiz is unpublished, only instructors can view it.
Unlock Quiz

To unlock a quiz, click the Options icon [1] and click the Let Students Take this Quiz Now link [2].

To unlock a quiz indefinitely, click the No time limit radio button [1]. If you prefer to unlock a quiz until a specific date and time, click the Until radio button [2] and use the calendar icon [3] to select the date and time. Click the Unlock button [4] when you are done.
Published Quiz Options
Once you publish a quiz, you can view additional options.
In addition to the options available for unpublished quizzes, in the Options menu [1], you can:
- Preview the quiz [2]
- View quiz results as well as a list of who has taken the quiz and who has not [3]
- Message students who have taken the quiz already or who haven't yet taken the quiz [4]
In the sidebar, you also have access to related quiz features:
- Show quiz statistics [5]
- Moderate this quiz and grant students more time or additional attempts (this option can be used for any type of quiz) [6]
- Grade quiz in the SpeedGrader [7]
You can also hide grades from students by using posting policies in the gradebook.