[ARCHIVED] Can't access student ePortfolio

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My students created ePortfolios so that their work can be evaluated by other instructors that teach the same subject. Canvas instructions say that anyone with the link should be able to access the portfolio but only I as their teacher can access it while the rest of the instructors can't. Can anyone help? The students have made the portfolios public but access is still denied.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@yeelinda  I apologize that no one has responded to your question before now.

The students don't necessarily have to make their eportolios public, but if they do, anyone with the URL can view them: How do I make my ePortfolio public as a student? 

Making visibility public might be an issue, and in that case students can follow the instructions in  How can I share a private ePortfolio as a student? to obtain the correct link to share a private eportfolio with others.

If these processes aren't allowing unauthenticated users to view students' shared eportfolios, please ask Canvas Support to investigate on their behalf.


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