[ARCHIVED] Can’t set home page button in Canvas app or see student view

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My questions are regarding the Canvas phone app, not the tablet.

Like many others have already brought up in the question forums, I came to the realization that students using the Canvas app aren’t able to immediately see the home page when they enter my course. However, my Canvas teacher app also doesn’t seem to have any home page button either, as I’ve seen in other teachers’ screenshots. I only see a navigation menu, even though I’ve tried over and over again to change the app course settings to “Set ‘Home‘ to...Pages Front Page,” and my Front Page has been set to my intended home page.

I’ve also deleted the Canvas app and re-downloaded it in case that was the issue, and I still have the same problem where I don’t see a home page button.

I tried to use Student View to see if it was just an issue on my end and if there actually was a home page button appearing above the navigation menu in the Canvas Student app. When I went to Student View, I was directed to download the Canvas Student app and found that I couldn’t even see my course in the student app, I’m guessing because it hasn’t been published yet. 

Is this just how the app is, where students aren’t shown a homepage and may not be able to see a button to the home page? Do I have any options to see what’s going on in Student View other than to prematurely publish my course or wait until the semester starts to ask students what their app looks like? I would appreciate guidance on these.

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Hi @lw1  -

You're correct about the Canvas Teacher app. When opening a course, you see the navigation with a blank screen to the right, rather than your Home Page.

However, when you set your home page, students see the option to tap/open that location. That shortcut is really helpful.


No matter what you've selected as your Home Page will be listed at the Home location. For students with tablets, it opens automatically, with these navigation options to the side.

It makes sense that your unpublished course would not be visible in student view as it's a practice for instructors. (I haven't tried it myself.) Yet, I completely see the value in being able to test things out before publishing and having active users in the course.

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