[ARCHIVED] Canvas Gradebook help

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In the Canvas gradebook, is there a way to round the percentages to whole numbers? For example, if a student has a 96.55% on a quiz, can I round it to 97%?

Also, is there any way to show the quiz as a percent instead of point value?

Thank you!

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Hi sydnia.petersen, it looks as though quizzes currently cannot be shown as a percentage in the gradebook although it sounds like this feature may be developed in the future (see https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/3374-show-quiz-as-percent-score-in-gradebook?sr=search&searchI...).

In regards to rounding, I know that I can override scores in the gradebook by typing in the score I determine.  So I could type in that a student received 2.25/3 points, or change this to 2.5 points.  In several of my own classes I have weekly quizzes and arranged these into an assignment group called "quizzes".  At the end of the gradebook I can see a column for the quizzes grade group that displays as a percent but I cannot type in a new score if it shows 96.5% and I wish to round this to 97%.  It looks like there is an open request for this option (see https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8850-change-the-grade-percentage-option?sr=search&searchId=9cf...). There are not many votes now, but it can still be voted up and in the thread  @James  has a good summary of when this has come up in the past.

Hope this helps!

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