Yo! @MaxwellMiky I could probably talk your ear off on how rad Canvas is and has been for several school districts that I've worked for. But I will boil it down to my favorite few but powerful reasons Canvas is worth leveraging for your class.
- It's like a website for your class. Powered by modern webtools where you can simply add text, files, images and more. Similar to a painting, you can paint it to be whatever you need it to be.
- It's not a FEED-driven website like social media where you scroll all day and still can't find that post from yesterday. I know pinning a post or assignment in Classroom is helpful, but boy it's nice to allow students Assignment view where things are group by assignment types or groups even modules page.
- Online submissions can be a simple PDF upload, text entry or even a Google doc. They could also simply be a video recording or webcam recording so the student doesn't even have to open some other app.
- Grades and feedback are organized, accessible and can include audio/video without additional add-ons.
- You can still use Google Docs and all that goodness! In fact, I love Google Drive and it's magic. I think by using both Canvas and Google you can really make your classroom, both in-person and/or online, even more rad for students.
While there are tons of other reasons, I hope you find these meaningful and helpful in your adventure. I'd love to hear your thoughts about my favorites reasons to use Canvas.
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