[ARCHIVED] Canvas Panels @ SXSWedu 2016

Community Novice

Hi all, We are with the elearning department at Region 18 ESC in Midland, TX. We are attempting to get some presentations accepted about instructional design using Canvas to SXSWedu 2016. I know Canvas has had a solid presence at SXSWedu in the past. I wanted to see if we could start a thread where we share our SXSWedu PanelPicker sessions and vote for each other? To vote you must have an account, but you may log in with your Facebook or create an account from scratch. We would greatly appreciate your help in getting our presentations accepted to this international education conference and we are happy to return the favor. Please feel free to post your PanelPicker links below. Here are our PanelPicker sessions: http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/55463 http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/55633

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