Nicole Dragisic (ESC18 Staff)
Community Novice
May 13, 2015 10:52:30 AM
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I am celebrating my sixth year in education. I am lifelong technology enthusiast with 15 years of technology industry experience. I worked in educational data analytics and instructional technology prior to starting in elearning. Work and my cats are my life.
Most Liked Posts
Hi all, We are with the elearning department at Region 18 ESC in Midland, TX. We are attempting to get some presentations accepted about instructional design using Canvas to SXSWedu 2016. I know Canva...
I would also be interested in knowing how you got the styling to work. Another problem with the accordion I have found is that they all accordions in a set open to the same size regardless of the size...
In our instance the Canvas Icon sets have stopped inserting. They continue to load in where they had been inserted before, but do not allow for new insertion using the Icon button in the Design Tools ...
Learn how to use Canvas to create easily digestible PD pieces to address immediate needs that can be completed during conference periods or breaks. Find out how to organize courses to host multiple PD...
This fixed it. Wild though, It just stopped working last week >-<. Glad it is working again. Thank you kindly as always.
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You are so amazing and wonderful. Thank you. This worked beautifully.
I would like the custom slide out to work so I do not have to redo the graphics on all the instructions referring to it. I was just taking what I could get and trying not to be fussy. This is what it ...
Okay, This is what I have now:var styleAdded = false; function addMenuItem(linkText, linkhref, icon, target) { var iconHtml = '', itemHtml, ...
Thank you I will try this now!
Greetings Kenneth,We had been using the .js override for a custom popout menu which recently broke. This particular override really suited our needs. The "customize popout help menu" does not ...
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