[ARCHIVED] Canvas Student App (Apple iOS) - Assignment Grades not showing up for Parents

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Canvas Student app V. 6.13.2

Apple iOS version:  15.1

Device:  Apple iPhone 11

The overall grade appears for each course.  However, individual assignments grades are not displaying.  I see -/5 or -/10 for the grade.  On the Canvas Parent App and on a web browser, I'm able to see the student's assignment grades fine.  I was able to replicate this on multiple devices and multiple users.  

Thank you, Jason

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @nguyenj 

I believe that this is related to a know issue that is being worked on. 

You could try to submit a ticket to support with any links and screenshots and information you have to see if they can confirm this for you. 

Hopefully this helps! 


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