[ARCHIVED] Canvas Training for Faculty – What do you do?

Community Contributor

Our college is interested in hearing from other higher education institutions about the Canvas training and other training for faculty teaching online. I’d appreciate hearing what your institution does regarding the following:

  1. What Canvas training does your college/university provide for faculty teaching online? Is the Canvas training required, strongly suggested, optional?
  2. Do you offer training regarding instructional design, course design, pedagogy, or best practices for online teaching and learning?  
  3. Do faculty receive compensation, certificates, badges, other for Canvas or other training?
  4. Do faculty create their own online course from scratch, do they get a template, or do they use a master/model course? Do they get compensated for this?
  5. Does anyone review a new course for quality, usability, Accessibility, etc.? Who does the review?

I look forward to hearing from you. Please include your type of institution such as non-profit college, private university, etc.

Thank you.
Sylvia Amito'elau, Coastline College, Fountain Valley, California, USA

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