
Sylvia Amito'elau
Community Contributor
Instructional Designer and Canvas Queen
Apr 20, 2015 9:54:58 AM
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I'm striving to be a Pandawesome Canvas Queen. I'm an instructional designer with a passion for improving course quality and the student experience. I enjoy being everything Canvas: admin, help support, trainger.

Most Liked Posts

I would like to have a Canvas tool to check Accessibility issues at the course level or selected parts of a course. I think this would make checking for Accessibility issues easier for content creator...
Likes: 260
Any idea when the checkpoint feature will be available? The Canvas Product Roadmap shows Q2-Q3 2024. I hope it's ready before the July 20 date. I really - really hope it's ready by June 1, 202...
Likes: 9
The video gave me some great ideas. We had a basic Canvas training class for our faculty. But now I'm thinking of having a follow up training where faculty can practice using these cool tools such...
Likes: 7
In agree @MattHanes . This could be dangerous because it puts grandiose ideas into our heads 😉. @christopher_phi I couldn't get the scenarios to start when I used Firefox but it wo...
Likes: 6
Great suggestions in this video, so true. Headings are also required for ADA compliance.
Likes: 6

Most Recent Posts

I was expecting to see Checkpoints for the Discussion Redesign in this new release. The 1st item in the Canvas Product Roadmap for Q2 2024 states, "Students engage in deeper, more meaningful discu...
May 22, 2024 13:17 PM
Could you please provide more details for: Enforcement of New Quizzes Migration During Course Import/Copy Feature Option?  The summary it says, "...enforced for all Canvas institutions when New Qu...
May 22, 2024 12:57 PM
Thank you  @SamGarza1 for the opportunity to provide feedback. Our faculty's most common sort request is to sort by the date the last post was made (newest to oldest). One use case is: I know ...
May 21, 2024 11:46 AM
In the video, the Rubrics page showed the list of rubrics (saved/archived). One of the columns is, Location Used (see screenshot below). It looks like this is just general information such as the rubr...
May 09, 2024 09:34 AM
Thank you @LaramiePaxton for bringing this to everyone's attention. Now that I look closer, you're right, the sorting doesn't make sense. One main reason it would be helpful to sort al...
May 02, 2024 14:51 PM

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