[ARCHIVED] Canvas won't let me submit

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I finished taking a test for a class and it did not let me submit it. My teacher says I started the test 30 mins ago which is why it didn't let me submit but I actually did start way earlier than that, and the test wasn't showing at her end. What could've possibly gone wrong?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

When you are unable to submit a quiz, that is generally an indication that your connection to Canvas was interrupted and you have been kicked out of the attempt.  (Remember, when you open a quiz--or any web page--your browser has downloaded and saved a copy of the page, so it may continue to display in the browser even after you have lost your connection....)

If you find that you are unable to submit, the only thing you can do is exit the test and go back to the course, then return and re-open the test (if it is still available).   Any answers that were able to be saved before you lost the connection should still be there, because you are returning to the same attempt that you started.

For further investigation or specifics on the status of your particular attempt, though, you will need to contact the Help Desk at you school.  This community is a public discussion board of Canvas users from different schools all over the world, and we have no access to your school's Canvas environment.

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