[ARCHIVED] Change how final grade displays (other than percentage/points) in Total Column in Grades?

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I'm the Instructional Design for my district, and I'm trying to help a few faculty convert to a more equitable GPA grading system.

The problem we have encountered in Canvas is how the final grade displays in the Total column in Grades. There seems to be only be two options: percentage or points. With a GPA grading system, they want every grade (including the final grade) to display as 0-4.

Even when we set up the grading scheme with the GPA scheme and enable it, the scheme only displays next to the percentage in the Total column---it doesn't replace it. Seeing the percentage defeats the reason for switching to this more equitable grading system. 

If there a(nother) way to change how the final grade displays in the Total column?




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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @dj_hawkins 

There unfortunately isn't a way to change the final grade display. The only options would be to create a Grading Scheme, which I do understand may not be ideal, or to Hide the Totals, and calculate the GPA's and communicate that with students at a later time.

Our guide for How do I hide totals in my students' grade summaries? will walk instructors through how to update this for their course. 

Please don't hesitate to reach back out with any other questions!

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