[ARCHIVED] Comic Books & Graphic Novels - Best Practices for adding to Canvas courses

Community Participant

Our English dept is in the process of building an online Graphic Novels course.  They have asked for assistance/ideas on getting these books housed in their Canvas course.

The books come in either .CBR or .CBZ file types

There are many mobile app options for reading/viewing these files.  And, of course, the websites where you purchase & download the content from (Comixology, in this instance) has built in online viewers.

I'm reaching out to see if anyone has helped to develop a course such as this or used any of these file types.

I'm thinking I need to determine how to either:

- embed the viewer from the Comixology site (not sure how this would work with account log-ins)

- convert the .CBR to a .PDF  (less attractive scenario due to dimished UX (so I'm told))

- find some third-party tool (open source?) where we could upload our .CBR files and post/embed them from there

- any other workable option.

Any guidance on this would be much appreciated!

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