[ARCHIVED] Community Involvement in InstructureCon Session Proposal Selection?

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Are any members of the community (outside of Instructure employees) involved in anyway with vetting and the selection of conference sessions?  

Most all of the Higher Education conferences I attend, have a program committee that includes members from representative schools.  I have not heard of this happening with InstructureCon, but am not 100% sure.


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Hey Kevin,

Good to hear from you!  Yes, part of our presentation proposal selection process involves input from community members.  We reach out directly to individuals and ask them to review and rate proposals that come in from the same demographic of users that they belong to.  So, we have K12 people looking at K12 specific presentations, Admins and developers looking at more technical topics, etc.   

I don't know what the exact format will be this year but I know that we will also repeat the activity at the conference where input and questions from the community are responded to by a panel or group from Product.

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