[ARCHIVED] Control Visibility of courses?

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Hey so, I've just been working on a course which I created in canvas.instructure.com and went to make it public then found I cannot change the visibility.

What's going on Canvas? 


Is this a recent change that we haven't heard about?

Previously, I've created courses and had no restrictions placed upon making them public. eg. Sunless Skies Review IDGBL 19/20 - Likewise for this course, I cannot change it's visibility away from being Public.

Have searched the Release notes and Canvas Changes and found no news.

Much confused.

Any advice much appreciated.

course visibility‌

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1 Solution
Community Champion


Please see this thread for an explanation of what changed: Trouble in Free for Teacher... 

In particular, this message from January 7, 2020, explains what you need to do. It's the same thing shown in your screen shot: "If you need to make your course public please contact your administrator/support." Since you're using the free for teachers version, you don't have an administrator, so you should contact Canvas Support.

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