[ARCHIVED] Course hours

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How do I find out how many hours I have completed (modules/courses)?

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1 Solution
Community Explorer

Hi  @katimgreen and welcome to the Community!  When you log in to Canvas, you should be able to go to a particular course and review the assignments and what you have/have not submitted.  There may be other ways within a course to check your progress but you should always be able to see the assignment and hopefully a syllabus, and see how your submissions compare to what is or has been due. 

About course completion, in either the dashboard or under "courses" and "all courses", you should be able to see the classes in which you are enrolled as well as past enrollments.  Being said, I would refer you to your institution's registrar or your adviser to determine what you have officially completed and not completed.  Ultimately, this is the best way to see where you stand as far as completed courses/credits and how this compares to whatever academic plan you are on.

I hope this helps and best wishes!

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