[ARCHIVED] Creating a Performance Task in Canvas

Community Participant

I am an 8th grade Humanities teacher in Washington State.  My state is currently using the Smarter Balance Assessment (SBA) to assess students at the end of the school year.  I know that many other states have SBA testing as well.  One of the portions of the SBA at the middle school level is the completion of a Performance Task.  I am curious if others are attempting to use Canvas to create and administer Performance Tasks?  I feel like I cannot  be the only one who is trying to do this, but cannot find much shared in the Commons. I have uploaded a couple of performance tasks recently if you want to take a look in the Commons and give me some feedback.  One is on Zambia Education (Explanatory), the other is on the Dust Bowl (narrative).  If anyone else is trying this, please share your methods, thoughts on best practice or  perhaps another performance task I could look at Smiley Happy 

Thanks in advance for you time,

Brandon Feist

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