[ARCHIVED] Did to-do list counts in the Teacher app change recently?

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I was checking my to-do list this morning in the iOS Teacher app when I saw that I only had 16 items in the to-do list.  I thought that was odd since last night there were 142 items in the to-do list.  I was hopeful that a magical grading wizard had waved a wand over the ipad and graded 126 items while I slept, but looking closer it seems that there are 16 assignments to grade, each having multiple submissions.  

Did the way to-do lists are counted change recently?  I would prefer the way it used to work, if there is a way I can change it back.  Thanks!

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Community Member

Same issue here.  Mine has the additional bug/feature that after the update, it is showing two assignments from a different course last semester that have zero left to grade!

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Community Team
Community Team

Hi! I'm sorry for all of the frustrations. 😕

Regarding the "counts", the Mobile Team has considered this a bug and has a fix ready to be released. The tried-and-true "number of items to grade/review" will replace the "number of assignments with ungraded items" soon.

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@rtriana - I know this can be really frustrating. I wonder what about the Canvas Teacher update caused this change. The Community Coaches (myself included) are looking into the issue. We've bookmarked this and other threads with this question and will do our very best to update everyone once we learn more about the situation.

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Community Champion

I noticed this feature is still in the iPhone app, so my assumption is this is an issue specific to the iPad that will be fixed. 

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Community Champion


Canvas Teacher 1.12.1 was just released with a possible fix for this issue. Can you try out this update and see if it fixes this issue? 

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